New rescue seat TYRAH

Successful presentation at the ILA in Berlin and the IKAR in Krynica, Poland.

The new mountain triangle TYRAH is the result of a comprehensive evaluation and risk evaluation process.
Although the mountain rescue triangle is usually only a few minutes under load to the body, the risk of injury in the crotch area can lead to a medical problem.

The new mountain triangle was developed in collaboration with the Swiss Air Ambulance REGA, Airwork & Heliseilerei GmbH in Switzerland and TYROMONT.
Developed in accordance with EN 1498-B the mountain triangle has been delivered to the launch customer REGA for the last recent months. It was first presented to the general public at the ILA in Berlin and the IKAR in Krynica.

Among the three main advantages of TYRAH are:

  1. Persons with a weight from 20 - 150 kg sit equally with a certain depth and supine position in TYRAH – this is the supposition that the body mass can be taken up by the buttocks and leg loops.
  2. People with a weight from 20 - 150 kg find space in a size without anything to adjust or to select specific attachment points - a prerequisite for easy and safe handling.
  3. The residence time of about 20 minutes can be easily endured - a prerequisite for long-term rescues from caves or columns.

You can find more details on the new rescue triangle TYRAH on our site about our product range.

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