ICAR Conference 2013 at Bol/Croatia

A large number of TYROMONT products have been presented at the latest ICAR Conference.

The 2013 Congress in Croatia was hosted by the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (Hrvatska Gorska Služba Spašavanja)  and drew more than 350 members from over 30 countries. The theme this year was “The Interface between Terrestrial & Air Rescue”.  On the first full day of the conference outdoor demonstrations were held, with conference sessions and commission meetings on the remaining days.  Simultaneous translation was provided for all major sessions in English, French and German with the latest equipment and headphones, as well as sound-proof booths for the translators. Delegates were housed and fed at the Elaphusa Hotel and the general meetings were held in a first class conference hall at that location. There was a vendors exhibition with displays of outdoor and rescue equipment available to all the delegates.

As in the last years many TYROMONT products have been demonstrated and been used for various training sessions.

VIDEO "ICAR-CISA 2013 - Bol/Croatia"

In the first part of the video documentation, Herbert Streibel, Safety Training Instructor Bavarian Mountain Rescue, presents the TYROMONT Helicopter Rescue Bag with Internal Belting System.

Afterwards Italian Guardia di Finanza demonstrates the function of the new TYROMONT Horizontal-Vertical-System for Rescue Bags.

(Minutes 11:18 – 16:51).

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