Disinfection with PRETECT® ROOM

Disinfectant fogging - spraying responsibility and safety in times of Corona.

Corona is annoying and annoying. Nevertheless we have to deal with it and learn to live.

TYROMONT has dealt intensively with the subject of the safety of its products against Corona and has tested a lot. Disinfection and cleaning of all materials are an integral part of a state-required security concept.

Our rescue bags have been tested by an independent, European testing institute. The result surprised ourselves.

With the Pretect-Room nebuliser and the ingredient Solenal, our recovery and injured bags can be decontaminated at any time.

This without the time-consuming washing process, but purely with nebulization and our rescue bags are ready for use again within a very short time.

This makes transport in our recovery and injured bags even safer for our customers and for those to be rescued.

Please refer to the attached test report for details.

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